



McDonald’s hiring 2000 Kiwi workers on the spot

McDonald’s is looking to hire 2000 workers across New Zealand, NZ Herald reports, with jobs being offered on the spot as part of its recruitment drive amid a buoyant job market. The fast-food chain is holding walk-in interviews at restaurants on Saturday...

Guttersmart gutter foam from Sunnyside


Threats against MPs ‘greater and more intense’

The Acting Prime Minister has reluctantly accepted increased security when out in public, Newsroom reports. Grant Robertson doesn’t like having a security tail when out in public but the changing nature of threats against MPs has changed that. In July, Robertson had...

Fridays for Future Tāmaki Makaurau is planning a climate protest event this Friday at Aotea Square, Greater Auckland reports. While they recognise that government has “made steps in the right direction”, they are demanding a much more responsible level of action. The...

Shade sails from Sunnyside


Water-Tank-Devan from Sunnyside


Marley Spouting from Sunnyside






Twice the allowed mangroves cut down for boardwalk

Auckland Council has removed more than double the amount of mangroves it was allowed in its resource consent to build a boardwalk in Takapuna, Stuff reports, prompting environmental concerns. Forest and Bird is concerned the excess mangrove removal during the...